TGIF | Hello April.

Hello friends and hello April! The pompoms have pom’d and it’s full-on spring. summery warm at the beginning of the week, stormy Tuesday overnight, and now it’s chilly wind. The pine pollen seems to be a bit less, and that’s a good thing. Marc is talking about cleaning/opening our screened porch next weekend … I’d love that, and it seems early?! Also…

Thinking about … my warmer weather wardrobe. The last time I really did this was in 2019 and a lot has changed since then. not only how I’m spending my time, but also my body … I need different clothes and different sizes. and even things that are still “right” have worn out. I’d love for “thinking about” to be moving into “doing” … we’ll see!

Grateful for … fifty days of Eastertide. Lent was too fast, I kind of lost Easter with Sara’s move, and when I sat down on Tuesday morning to read the last entry in the Mary Oliver devotion, I saw this:

Inspired by … The Women’s Prize Long List, the Booker International Long List, the Atlantic’s Great American Novel List, The Stacks 100 (ranked!), book clubs, buddy reads, recommendations from friends … my April TBR is still a work-in-progress! I thought I had a list to share, and then I took Lucy out for her afternoon walk and listened to yesterday’s Poured Over podcast … I borrowed Afterlife while we walked!

Fun. Friends. Family … April is the month for Beaufort and Thomasville … two trips with family who are friends, and friends who are family. This will be our 14th year in Beaufort and our 2nd in Thomasville. So many memories, traditions, and stories are wrapped up in those places with those people. and maybe adding one more?! I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Patty in person on Wednesday. She and Doug were in North Carolina for a visit; we met halfway for the longest lunch ever. and got Doug to take our picture.

Long-time readers know Patty from her (now retired) blog. That’s where we met … 15 years ago? Her son Dan and Sara are the same age and we bonded over our kids’ high school graduation, college, and early adulting stories. and obviously a lot more, because we’re still internet – now in-person! – friends. (and close readers might notice that we are both wearing sweaters we knit.)

Hello April, let’s make it a good one!

from Wednesday’s afternoon walk

11 thoughts on “TGIF | Hello April.

  1. Oh, Patty!! I’m thrilled you got to meet her in person and I’m hoping to add her to my IRL friends, too! I love seeing her sweater and yours! I got to see both of them at their beginnings. We had a day or two of sun (with chilly wind) but winter has returned for the weekend! Snow is coming, and freezing temps, too! waaah At least I can see your incredible blossoms and hope I can open my patio by the end of the month.

  2. The white snowballs have indeed come into glorious bloom. Today I noticed tiny tightly closed buds on the lilacs. How fun to meet your friend in person. Now I’m going to look at the podcast you mentioned. Doesn’t that new Alvarez book look terrific? Happy Eastertide.

  3. Oh those snowballs are beautiful! How fun you met your online friend in person, and ever better when they are knitters too.

  4. Love that you got to meet Patty for reals! It’d be awesome if the pollen is done for a while- my car has a yellow glow that is quite unattractive! 

  5. How wonderful that you and Patty got to meet in person! I still think we should plan some sort of retreat or trip so our Zoom group can get together in person — wouldn’t that be amazing?

  6. I’m so envious that you and Patty got to meet in person! I’ve been lucky enough to get together with Dee and Vera in real life but John calls most of my knitting/reading friends “imaginary”.

  7. there is nothing like meeting on line friends in real life, I’ve been quite a few over the years!! Love your flowers – we are still in the daffodil stage.

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