
Welcome to mere-et-filles!

I started the blog in 2007 with my daughters (the “filles”), who were then students (the older a sophomore in college and the younger a freshman in high school). It was a fun way to connect with them and share updates with our family. Fifteen(!) years later, those daughters have grown up (the older is now married with two delightful little boys and the younger is living and working in Atlanta) and long since stopped being contributors.

But mere-et-filles is still my on-line home.

In June 2018, I migrated the blog (from Blogger) to a self-hosted site on WordPress; and in January 2022, I moved to a simpler WordPress.com blog.

My husband Marc and I are retired. He plays a lot of golf, which gives me time to do a lot of other things. I enjoy knitting, reading, volunteering and getting together with friends for a walk, a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. I also enjoy sharing bits and pieces of all those things here with y’all and the friendships we build.

I love this on-line home, and the friendships and community I’ve made here have been a big part of surviving these pandemic years. Thank you for being here!

Thank you, readers!