Summer Book Bingo 2015.

it’s back (click here for the BotNS Podcast and here to download your card)! and just in time as my Memorial Day Weekend officially kicks off this evening. But for purposes of this Book Bingo, we’ll count books finished between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends – Saturday, May 23 through Monday, September 7. I think this is the longest “summer reading” period possible…which is good since I’ve got some doozies on my card. “At least 800 pages”, “Nonfiction” and “A biography of someone I dislike”.

We’ll follow the same rules as last year – each book you finish counts for one square. Each completed Bingo (a row, a column or a diagonal) earns you one entry in the drawing. I’ll choose a winner from the pool of Bingos in September. (Bonny won last year – she covered her card, which counted for 12 Bingos…kind of a slam dunk!)
Wishing you a summer of delightful reading…and more than a few Bingos!

16 thoughts on “Summer Book Bingo 2015.

  1. I am so behind in listening to BONS and so many other podcasts. I still don't think I can come close to reading that many books during the summer months. Go Mary! You'll do well at the challenge!

  2. Hooray and thank you! I'm far behind in listening to BOtNS podcasts so I'm very grateful that you are our Summer Book Bingo leader. I was a little leary about participating last year, but I honestly read some of the best books ever during Book Bingo and can't wait to expand my reading horizons with it again this year. I'm off to print my card, and cross my fingers that I don't get the "At least 800 pages" square!

  3. If I join this challenge I think most of the reading will be 500-800 pages! Might have to go with audio books, then again I don't know if I'd have that much car time.

  4. I am going to try to do this! I have been determined to read more, and this will help to get me motivated. Thanks for all your inspiration, Mary!

  5. I still do not know what the "That" square is. I read the post, but all my other descriptions are complete so not sure about this one…

  6. I still do not know what the "That" square is. I read the post, but all my other descriptions are complete so not sure about this one…

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