five things.

…fun things I found/learned on twitter this week.

copyright Blue Sky

1. blue sky alpaca’s latest patterns, inspired by F Scott Fitzgerald. He’s been one of my favorite authors since high school and those little patterns from blue sky are A-Dorable. Rose Beck’s Zelda Wrap (shown left) is the perfect embodiment of that Jazz Age soul…and it’s kind of “epic“. [I’ve already checked in with Theresa and we’ll be getting the patterns and – hopefully – the new Metalico colors in at the shop soon.]

2. only four spots left in Ysolda’s on-line Your Perfect Sweater class….and I grabbed one of them!

3. the Lizzie Bennet diaries. seriously fun!

4. the Commuter Knitter podcast. lots of knitting wrapped into a cute “driving” motif. from the 27 years I spent commuting, I love how she’s making such productive use of the time…and her style and knitting stories are delightfully engaging. (also, she lives in Newtown, CT…and those stories are heart-wrenching. and real.)

5. ftw means “for the win”. who knew…and now I do!

I’m still very much on the sidelines – really just consuming – with twitter…but there is much to learn and plenty to keep me busy just watching from the sidelines. and hopefully if I get a bit more time on the sidelines I’ll feel more comfortable…to step out onto the field and play.

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