Season | September 2023.

One of the amazing recognitions of Celtic spirituality and wisdom is the sisterhood of nature and the soul. The body is made out of clay. It has the memory of the earth in it, and not just the memory of the earth, but also in some strange, subtle, almost silent way, it has the rhythms of the seasons in it too.

John O’Donohue, Walking in Wonder

Those are the opening words to the penultimate chapter, which we are reading this week. Maybe I won’t be filling my blog posts with O’Donohue’s words after we finish the book … but for sure I am going to have the book handy so I can refer back to it often.

I love the way he ties memory, earth, and seasons to our bodies and souls. and the idea that we are each – in our own bodies – experiencing those rhythms at the same time we are joining with the memories of the earth for millenia … it’s simply beautiful.

Lucy & me … 51 weeks together!

Noticing … the colors of fall. Gold, rose, green, with so many shades of brown. This is the sedum by our gate – it’s a different palette for fall (no bright reds, oranges, or yellows), and one I’m loving right now.

Smelling … tea olive. It’s one of my favorite fall smells … and I haven’t actually seen any blooms yet.

Hearing … the telltale honks of the Canadian geese.

Feeling … comfortable. in part because it’s not broiling hot anymore (nor is it cold), and in part because I’m settled with some good routines and getting used to a few new ones.

Eating … snacking cakes! The boys and I have baked two cakes from Yossy Arefi’s Snacking Cakes – the powdered sugar donut cake was first (it wasn’t finished in time to enjoy here last Monday, so I didn’t get to taste it) and yesterday was the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cake. huge success! The boys both had two pieces, and I kept the leftovers. Baking with kids is a great activity – not only do they learn cooking skills, following a recipe is also great practice for reading and math (fractions, addition, subtraction, and you can bet I’ll be adding in algebra for adjusting quantities and geometry for adjusting cake pan sizes just as soon as they’re ready!) … and they get to eat! (and I get to enjoy leftovers.)

Drinking … homemade pumpkin spice lattés … soon! (I did buy pumpkin, and I have everything else … just need to do it!)

Wearing … not my pearls. I wrote last month that I hoped pearls would be part of this month’s story; sadly, no. Back in August, I took all four of my “daily” strands to be restrung … they called today to tell me they’re ready. (apparently, it took them longer than they expected to get the replacement clasp for one of the strands.) I still feel very un-dressed without them, so … looking forward to having them back for October!

Reading … The Green Road (audio & paper). This is my second Anne Enright and y’all, I’m a fan!

Knitting … Clam (ahoi). Except for the one-row stripes (which are fun to work and look to be practically seamless), I’m getting vibes from Notice – which I knit four times since 2020. It’s a perfect mix of new and familiar.

Walking … to the lake at least once a week. The sunrises are happening a little before we get there now (the one at the top of this post was yesterday, once we were home), but there is still something special about starting my day with a walk to the lake.

Going … baseball (3-4 times a week). church (most Sundays). school pickup (Mondays). my mom’s (Tuesdays). It felt like a lot a few weeks ago and now it doesn’t. Lucy loves Mondays; she figures out we’re going for school pickup about halfway there and she sits right up. We usually have at least 20 minutes of parked waiting in line once we get there and it was nice enough yesterday to roll down the windows.

Lucy living her best life … in the after-school pickup line

Shifting … out the summer decor (a few pillow covers, candles, and !!! the eggs and birds’ nests I had out for “spring”) for fall. New layers. new textures. new scents. new season.

Looking forward to … exploring all the new releases coming out in the next few months. I studied lists, pre-ordered and placed holds, and the books have started to arrive. I need to take stock and make some plans! You know how I love my monthly TBR and October starts Sunday.

Frustrated by … gerrymandering. and grateful to Heather Cox Richardson for helping me understand why it’s so prevalent right now.

Noted today: sunrise/sunset (EDT) – 7:27am/7:28pm. low/high temps (F) – 65/82. We’ve had the windows open at night (and all day a few times) – it’s chilly enough for a blanket – and the fresh air inside is simply the best.

Many thanks to Carolyn for hosting this monthly check-in and to all of you for being here with me.

In closing, a few outtakes from the five minutes Lucy and I spent on the porch to get that first photo … gotta feel good about not getting any schnauzer side eye!

13 thoughts on “Season | September 2023.

  1. 51 weeks! Wow!
    Will you share your pumpkin spice recipe? I haven’t had a pumpkin spice in years because they were all so sweet but this might be the season to make one at home.

  2. I don’t know tea olive at all but it sure sounds like a lovely plant. I don’t think I’m in a good zone for them but I will sure look for them if I’m ever traveling in the south. And those snacking cakes sound delicious. Enjoy the cakes and your time with the boys!

  3. I have never heard of tea olive! And now I wish there was a way to get the scent over the internet. I love hearing about your baking with the boys and agree that it’s a great way to use math in a real-world setting (if only my math teachers had told me I’d use math in cooking and knitting, perhaps I’d have been more excited about it!).

  4. Tea Olive–new to this Northerner! You have so many sweet smelling scents in the South…
    It was brave to send ALL the pearls out together. I’ll bet you’ve felt naked!?
    From the sounds of it, you’re slipping into a very comfortable, well-paced Season. Here’s to a lovely October.

  5. It does sound like you are more than ready for October Mary! Can’t wait to see your “Clam” – I just know it will look fabulous on you. I’m another who never heard of Tea Olive (my MIL was a huge gardener, but I don’t think she had it in Norfolk, VA). I bought some new candles – one is a summery scent (kind of beachy), but then I bought one called “coffee” and it smells wonderful (not even lit) and reminds me of Fall. Please do share your pumpkin spice latte recipe!!

  6. I love this post, Mary! And I can finally comment again. I have to log in to WordPress but it wasn’t working and now something must have shifted because I’m already logged in. Beats me how this all works!

  7. I always love when Lucy is in the photos, she is a beauty! I am all in for fall and the cool weather but sadly we are getting a warm up next week, I hope it is a brief one.

  8. Love the smell of tea olive-I may need to plant some here. While my current “season” is keeping my at home, at least it hasn’t prevented me from reading and some Brit Box binging on Lewis. Am also glad I have some very large windows that at least allows the sunshine in . .

  9. I’ve never heard of a Tea Olive, that you for sharing the link about them, amazing plant. Love seeing Lucy, she’s such a sweetheart. Lovely post and onward to October, pumpkin goodness and cooler weather.

  10. I love the colors you are noticing – roses, golds. Lucy is darling and looks like such a perky fun companion. Your weeks sound busy but in a good kind of way. Enjoy having those boys so close. Baking is a great activity for kids. Preschoolers can enjoy the sensory experience and also the feeling of “helping” in the kitchen. Then as you noted, one can go onto literacy and math. I made aprons for Jonah and Norah. They sing in the church choir and sometimes wear robes so the aprons are their “kitchen robes.” I’ve ordered Walking in Wonder.

  11. The first year of puppyhood gets better and better. I love Lucy! She looks so much like Mylo, too. The scents of the south–ah, if only I could smell them now. This time of year is so amazing and we’re having one of the best Septembers (the whole summer, actually) ever. The house has been open all month and the days at 12 daylight and 12 night are just perfect. Mylo and I love to walk just before sunrise. Mylo wears a light so he is visible and I have my reflector vest on, too. Good thing we can’t see ourselves. LOL
    (If I ever just drop by do you have something besides pumpkin spice for my coffee?;-D)

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